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Organizational Behaviour Analysis - 28615 Words

ORGANISATIONAL ANALYSIS: Notes and essays for the workshop to be held on 15th - 16th Novemeber 2007 at The Marriot Hotel Slough Berkshire SL3 8PT Dr. Lesley Prince, C.Psychol., AFBPsS University of Birmingham November 2007  © Dr. Lesley Prince 2007. Organisational Analysis: Notes and Essays Page i Page ii Please do not attempt to eat these notes. CONTENTS Introduction to the Workshop Topics And Themes The Nature and Scope of Organisation Theory Levels of Analysis The Metaphorical Approach Organising Processes Understanding Change Conflict, Negotiation, and the Politics of Change Group and Team Working Cultures and Leaders as Cultural Agents Trust Linking the Themes Introductory Notes on Organisational†¦show more content†¦There are also some elements taken from the arts and humanities such as philosophy, history and (very controversially) literary and art criticism. It is, then, a broad field which, to add to the confusion, also goes under several different names, some of which you will encounter when reading texts on the subject. The two main areas are generally called Human Resource Management (HRM) and Organisational Behaviour (OB), but the field is also sometimes called Organisational Analysis (OA), Behaviour in Organisations (BinO), Organisation Studies (OS), and a host of other names, including the practitioner area called Organisational Development (OD). There are, in fact, subtle nuances and variations in emphasis denoted by the different labels. OB and HRM, for example, are both concerned generally with people at work, although they focus on different levels of analysis. Roughly speaking, HRM is mostly concerned with individual and group issues, drawing principally, but not exclusively, from psychology, whereas OB tends to focus on organisational factors such as structure, design and culture, having its main theoretical base in A recent example is Chaos Theory, taken from mathematics and physics andShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Behaviour Case Analysis1209 Words   |  5 PagesCase Analysis: Leading Change At Simmons Problem Identification In the case ‘Leading Change at Simmons’, the fundamental issue for Simmons Company is whether or not it should go ahead with Eitel’s proposed idea of a culture change program which would cost $7.2 million at a time where the company is encompassed in a myriad of problems and severe economic crises’. 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