Tuesday, August 25, 2020

An Analysis Of The Savoy Hotel

An Analysis Of The Savoy Hotel The Savoy inn is a lavish inn in the core of Britain, which is situated on the Strand in the City of Westminster in focal London. In 1989, the inn opened by producer Richard DOyly Carte. It was the main Savoy Group of inns and eateries, which presenting electric lights in everywhere throughout the lodgings, electric lifts, washrooms including costly furnishings, hot and cold water offices and numerous different advancements. The lodging turned out to be best endeavor for Cartes. Its groups Savoy Orphans and Savoy Havana Band got popular with performers included George Gershwin, Frank Sinatra, Lena Horne and Noel Coward. They have some renowned visitors too, which included Edward VII, Enrico Caruso, Charlie Chaplin, Harry Truman, Judy Garland, Babe Ruth, Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Elizabeth Taylor, Barbra Streisand, The Beatles and some more. In 2005, The Savoy Hotel was sold out and is presently overseen by Fairmont Hotels and Resorts. It has been called Londons most celebrated inn (Prynn J. 2009). They are generally lofty and rich lodging including 268 rooms and there is all encompassing perspective on Themes River over the inn. In 2007, The Savoy Hotel was close down for their broad repair, which planned was about  £100 million. The inn directed an offer of 3,000 things of its acclaimed goods and memorabilia. (Davis M. 2007) In 2010, The Savoy lodging was revived their business and offering great quality assistance. The possession and the executives of the Hotel with The Berkeley, The Claridges, and The Connaught stay unaltered The Savoy Hotel 2| Page 1. Circumstance Analysis 1.1 Analyze the jobs of open, private and willful areas in the travel industry and cordiality? The open segment in the travel industry and accommodation industry assumes significant job in the advancement of private companies. This part is exceptionally significant in smaller scale division advancement of the business. The administrations of open division of the travel industry and accommodation industry incorporate vital bearings that are significant for the general reasonable advancement of the business (Teo, 2003). The private part of the travel industry and cordiality industry assumes significant job in the dynamic and inactive improvement of the business. This area assumes significant job for changing cash from one nation to the next. This area is profoundly significant for the monetary advancement of the travel industry and cordiality industry (Teo, 2003). The third part of the travel industry and cordiality industry is deliberate the travel industry which alludes to paid exercises, for example, formal organizations (Teo, 2003). This area assume job as far as nearby networks, for example, challenges with respect to inhabitant association. 1.2 Evaluate a scope of various the travel industry and accommodation divisions and the association that work inside them The travel industry and friendliness industry is exceptionally wide industry which likewise incorporates administration parts, for example, eateries, logging, occasion the board, amusement parks, transportations and other extra fields. The travel industry and cordiality industry represents a few billions over the world which relies upon the removal salary of clients to encourage them in relaxation time. Then again, friendliness division of the travel industry and cordiality industry, for example, inn, eatery and different gatherings may likewise be incorporated. The Savoy Hotel 3| Page All in all, the travel industry and cordiality industry can be partitioned into eight significant fragments. These are: Convenience Occasions and Conferences Experience Tourism and Recreation The travel industry Services Attractions Transportation Food and Beverage Travel Trade Investigate partners jobs inside the travel industry and accommodation industry The people, associations or gatherings that have intrigue or stake in an association are named as partners. Practices of associations can have dependable effect on the interests of partners. Along these lines, it is essential to break down the interests of partners. In the travel industry and friendliness industry, the associations or people who have invested capital or amounts of energy in the foundation or improvement of the business can be alluded to partners of the business. Likewise, various partners in private and open segment associations in the travel industry and cordiality industry can exist (Belinda, 2008). Organizations in the travel industry, government and networks can have stake in the travel industry and friendliness industry. Vacationers can't be considered as genuine partners of the travel industry and accommodation industry since they don't bring in huge cash through this industry. Then again, they can impact the acts of the travel industry and accommodation indust ry since they are associated with the business from various viewpoints. A portion of the partners of the Savoy Hotel are as per the following: The Savoy Hotel 4| Page Government: The most significant partner of the Savoy Hotel is government since arrangements and guidelines of the travel industry and friendliness industry are formed by the administration. In setting of by and large the travel industry and cordiality industry, government impacts the acts of associations in following regards (Belinda, 2008): By meeting with the private segment and different networks, it designs the strategies of the travel industry It guarantees that the associations in the travel industry and friendliness industry follow the arranged approaches and guidelines It offers help in money related terms and direction to the organizations in the travel industry and neighborliness industry It guarantees that strength and lawfulness circumstance of the nation for pulling in voyagers Industrialists: Industrialists are likewise significant partners of the Savoy Hotel. Industrialists incorporate travel offices, associations in the business, and transport organizations. The associations in the travel industry and accommodation industry incorporate lodgings, eateries, and strip malls. The acts of every one of these associations can influence the tasks of the travel industry and friendliness industry, all in all. Industrialists can have following interests in the travel industry and neighborliness industry: To make interest in the travel industry and cordiality industry To showcase their items and administrations in various associations in the travel industry and accommodation industry, for example, lodgings, cafés and malls To impact the organizations for advancing their items and administrations The Savoy Hotel 5| Page Clients/voyagers: Clients or voyagers are additionally significant partners in the Savoy Hotel. This gathering of partners requests worth, quality and high client care. These are the significant wellspring of cash for the associations working in the travel industry and accommodation industry (Belinda, 2008). Representatives: Representatives are the inner partners of the Savoy Hotel. They have significant level enthusiasm for the inward strategies of the travel industry and friendliness industry. They request quality workplace, employer stability, pay and honest correspondence in the associations (Belinda, 2008). Neighborhood Communities: In Savoy Hotel, neighborhood networks are significant partners. This is on the grounds that they draw in vacationers and effect on their aims of visiting a specific spot. They can have stake in the travel industry and accommodation industry as far as employer stability, condition security, advancement of neighborhood items and administrations and advancement of nearby culture and qualities. 1.4 Analyze the idea of changes to the structure of the travel industry over most recent 15 years? In the course of the most recent fifteen years, a few changes have happened in the Savoy Hotel.These changes may include: change in oil costs which prompted changes in charges of fuel in carriers Expanded limit of flight on various courses which draw in vacationers to the travel industry and accommodation industry The Savoy Hotel 6| Page low global airfares and modest bundles of movement with limits which draw in vacationers towards the travel industry and neighborliness industry Patterns in shopper socioeconomics which change the conduct of clients for the travel industry lawfulness circumstance in various nations Fear based oppression factor which decreases the travel industry in specific nations Overall, drifts in socioeconomics of clients sway the purchaser conduct in the travel industry and friendliness industry. It is significant for the Savoy Hotel in the travel industry and neighborliness industry to make significant advances with respect to key administration applicable to these changes. Associations should make applicable strategies to pull in clients. Showcasing Report 2.1 Analyze issues around manageability and maintainable advancement in the travel industry and apply the executives systems as needs be The supportable issues in the Savoy Hotel allude to nature insurance. It is significant for the lodging to apply certain arrangements with respect to these issues to determine the issues and differences. In the worldwide setting, the maintainability issues are significant. Associations need to create pertinent systems with respect to the manageable turn of events. On the drawn out premise, associations need to create neighborhood just as worldwide methodologies for pulling in clients and guaranteeing supportable turn of events. The Savoy Hotel 7| Page This is a direct result of incorporation of manageable issues over the world. There are numerous issues in nearby setting which may affect the maintainability in worldwide perspectives. Consequently, lodging ought to incorporate their nearby and worldwide techniques for guaranteeing supportability in worldwide the travel industry and accommodation industry. 2.2 Evaluate certain manners by which the travel industry can be overseen in a maintainable manner regarding given models There are three significant routes through which supportability issues in worldwide the travel industry and friendliness industry. These are: Asset based custom: In this technique impediments to development in neighborliness industry are assessed in asset setting Movement based custom: This alludes to the change of neighborliness industry on powerful exercises Network based convention: This alludes to the coordination of assets and air conditioning

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mobile Voting System Essay

Task Background Versatile Technology is generally significant on the planet and current age. We can get refreshed data utilizing cell phones. Such gadget can be utilized for individual and business exchanges. Besides, cell phones usefulness has advanced enormously. These days, it very well may be utilized for an assortment of purposes like to find puts a lot of like a GPS, to peruse standardized tags, to mess around, to peruse the Internet, to know climate forecasts, to cast a ballot, thus considerably more. Fundamentally the most significant uses are the voice calls, video calls and Short Messaging System (SMS). As of now different models of cell phones have turned out in the market and every one having exceptional focal points over the others. The SMS or message office is significant in the cell phone. It permits the sender to send messages starting with one portable then onto the next mobiles gadget. Most business foundations publicize through print media like the papers, magazines, leaflets, handouts, thus considerably more. They likewise utilize the radio to advance their item and administrations. Besides, a ton business foundations direct market review like permitting shopper to pick which item they like best or choosing the best brands, etc. For instance, Nawras Telecommunication is perhaps the best correspondence suppliers in Oman. It makes the correspondence administration helpful to the clients. During celebration or occasion, Nawras send mass messages to its clients advising them regarding advancements. Utilizing this promoting methodology, clients will know about energizing promotions and limits. The foundation of any business is notice. Organizations have utilized versatile innovation to get to clients and sell their items and administrations. With this innovation, organizations can arrive at client base simple and rapidly, along these lines, improving the business. Issue Statement Despite the fact that print media is viable in publicizing items, the issue lies on the expense. It is pricey to promote utilizing this medium. At the point when organizations lead advertise overview, they for the most part do it physically. Model, they visit families arbitrarily and ask them inquiries relating to their item and administrations or they gave out polls to individuals in the city. As observed, it is very time and exertion devouring. Venture Objectives The target of this task is to structure and execute a Mobile Marketing System. It explicitly looks to: 1. Decrease the expense in promoting; 2. Reduce time and exertion in leading statistical surveying or study; 3. Utilize the cell phone as a showcasing procedure to publicize and direct market study; and 4. Configuration, create and test a Mobile Marketing System. CHEPTER 2: 3.1 Research Research Part is a stage of logical approach and can say as training based research. Step by step instructions to gather the data, explore for new extend and comprehend the past framework and study the different data from books material and sites. The fundamental point of the examination is utilizing portable innovation to get to clients and sell their items and administrations . Before beginning this venture I read about organizations and how to do advancement for electronic items Without the need to purchase commercial may cost numerous sums. Furthermore, read the path publicizing through cell phones So you need to snap the venture 2.2 PROJECT PLANNING 2.3 Analysis and Design Investigation Frameworks investigation is the investigation of sets of interfacing elements, including PC frameworks examination. This segment will break down the usefulness the product and what programming language will it be actualized. The structure segment will contain screen formats just as the center plan of the product and the manner in which it will be executed.. Structure The specialist will break down and plan the database dependent on the customers prerequisite. Demonstrating devices will be utilized to draw cases and information streams. Configuration stage additionally incorporates the structure of our database. Additionally will begin by structuring the site as indicated by our investigation. At that point will make the database relying upon the past plan. At that point will make an association between the application itself and the database. The nitty gritty plan are at the phase of point by point configuration, taking a shot at the PC starts vigorously. At this stage, the plan of the framework turns out to be progressively sorted out. Are drawn data sources, yields, and handling determinations is in the subtleties. 2.4 Implementation and Testing Subsequent to testing is finished, the framework will be executed in the customer side. Testing is generally significant in framework advancement. We have to test the framework in all levels. To start with, it will be tried utilizing unit testing which utilizes segment level test. In this undertaking, every single section ought to be approved. Unit is the littlest conceivable testable programming part. This task will begin with unit testing by testing every module of the venture. Second, stress testing will be performed. It is done when a framework is tried with a heap that makes it assign its assets for build up the item in most extreme sums, this is called pressure testing. For instance, in this undertaking, mass messages will be sent and gotten to and from clients and stress testing will be performed to check the effectiveness of the framework. It is normal that postpones will occur. 2.5 Critical Evaluation It is important to assess the framework after plan, improvement and testing the framework for approval purposes. Assessment of the new framework relies upon the plan, improvement and test group and clients of the task. It traps future mistake and characterizes future improvements as suggested by the client. Client assessment is of prime significance since he/she is the person who will utilize the framework consistently, so their endorsement must be looked for.

Friday, July 31, 2020

How to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence

How to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence Relationships Violence and Abuse Print 9 Ways to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 13, 2020 Ghislain Marie David de Lossy / Getty Images More in Relationships Violence and Abuse Spouses & Partners LGBTQ If you know or suspect that someone is a victim of domestic violence, you might feel clueless about the best way to help. Dont let a fear of saying the wrong thing prevent you from reaching out. Waiting for the perfect words could keep you from seizing the opportunity to change a life. The world for many domestic abuse victims can be lonely, isolated, and filled with fear. Sometimes reaching out and letting them know that you are there for them can provide tremendous relief. How to Help Support a Domestic Violence Victim Use the nine tips that follow to help you support someone in this vulnerable situation.   Reasons Why Domestic Abuse Happens Make Time for Them If you decide to reach out to an  abuse victim, do so during a time of calm. Getting involved when tempers are flaring can put you in danger.  Also, make sure to  set aside plenty of  time in case the victim decides to open up. If the person decides to disclose years of pent-up fear and frustration, you will not want to end the conversation because you have another commitment. Start a Conversation You can bring up the subject of domestic violence by saying “I’m worried about you because …..” or “I’m concerned about your safety… or I have noticed some changes that  concern me... Maybe youve seen the person wearing clothing to cover up bruises or noticed that the person has suddenly become unusually quiet and withdrawn. Both can be  signs of abuse. Let the person know that  you will be discreet about any information disclosed. Do not try to force the person to open up; let the conversation unfold at a comfortable pace. Take it slow and easy. Just let the person know that you are available and offering a sympathetic ear. Listen Without Judgment If the person does decide to talk, listen to the story without being judgmental, offering advice, or suggesting solutions. Chances are if you actively listen, the person will tell you exactly what they need. Just give the person the full opportunity to talk. You can ask clarifying questions, but mainly just let the person vent their feelings and fears. You may be the first person in which  the victim has confided. Learn the Warning Signs Many people try to cover up the abuse for a variety of reasons, and learning the warning signs of domestic abuse can help you help them:Physical Signs:Black eyesBusted lipsRed or purple marks on the neckSprained wristsBruises on the armsEmotional Signs:Low self-esteemOverly apologetic or meekFearfulChanges in sleeping or eating patternsAnxious or on edgeSubstance abuseSymptoms of depressionLoss of interest in once enjoyed activities and hobbiesTalking about suicideBehavioral Signs:Becoming withdrawn or distantCanceling appointments or meetings at the last minuteBeing late oftenExcessive privacy concerning their personal lifeIsolating themselves from friends and family Believe the Victim Because domestic violence is more about control than anger, often the victim is the only one who sees the dark side of the perpetrator. Many times, others are shocked to learn that a person they know could commit violence. Consequently, victims often feel that no one would believe them if they told people  about the violence.  Believe the victims story and say so. For a victim, finally having someone who knows the truth about their struggles  can bring a sense of hope and relief. Offer the victim these assurances: I believe youThis is not your faultYou dont deserve this. Validate the Victims Feelings Its not unusual for victims to express conflicting feelings about their partner and their situation. These feelings can range from: Guilt and angerHope and despairLove and fear If you want to help, it is important that you validate her feelings by letting her know that having these conflicting thoughts is normal.  But it is also important that you confirm that violence is not okay, and it isnt normal to live in fear of being physically attacked. Some victims may not realize that their situation is abnormal because they have no other models for relationships and have gradually become accustomed to the cycle of violence.  Tell the victim that violence and abuse arent part of healthy relationships. Without judging, confirm to her that her situation is dangerous, and you are concerned for her safety. Reasons Why Victims Stay It can be hard to understand why someone you care about would seemingly choose to stay in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. Here are a few reasons why its not easy to part ways.Fear of harm if they leaveThey still love their partner and believe they will changeTheir partner promised to changeA strong belief that marriage is for better or worseThinking the abuse is their faultStaying for the childrenLack of self-confidenceFear of isolation or lonelinessPressure from family, community, or churchLack of means (job, money, transportation) to survive on their own Offer Specific Help and Support Help the victim  find support and resources. Look up telephone numbers for shelters, social services, attorneys, counselors, or support groups. If available, offer brochures or pamphlets about domestic violence. Youll also want to help them get information on any laws regarding protective orders/restraining orders and child custody information. You can search state by state for legal information on  WomensLaw.org. If the victim  asks you to do something specific and you are willing to do it, dont hesitate to help. If you are unable to, try to find other ways the need can be met. Identify their strengths and assets, and help them build and expand upon them, so they find the ?motivation to help themselves. The important thing is to let them know that you are there for them, available at any time. Just let them know the best way to reach you if help is needed. If possible, offer to go along for moral support to the police, court, or lawyer’s office. Let the person know they are not alone and help is available. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for immediate assistance and a referral to nearby counseling services or support groups. Help Form a Safety Plan Help the victim create a safety plan  that  can be put into action if violence occurs again or if they decide to leave the situation. Just the exercise of making a plan can help them visualize which steps are needed and to prepare psychologically to do so. Because victims who leave their abusive partners are at a 75 percent  greater risk of being killed by their abuser than those who stay, it is extremely important for a victim to have a personalized safety plan before a crisis occurs or before they decide to leave. Help the victim think through each step of the safety plan, weighing the risks and benefits of each option and ways to reduce the risks. Be sure to include the following in the safety plan: A safe place to go in an emergency, or if they decide to leave homeA prepared excuse to leave if they feel threatenedA code word to alert family or friends that help is neededAn escape bag with cash, important documents (birth certificates, social security cards, etc.), keys, toiletries, and a change of clothes that can be easily accessed in a crisis situationA list of emergency contacts, including trusted family or friends, local shelters, and domestic abuse hotline How dangerous is the situation? Take the Danger Assessment Quiz  to find out. What Not to Do or Say to a Domestic Violence Victim Although there is no right or wrong way to help a victim of domestic violence, you want to avoid doing anything that will make the situation worse. Here are some donts the experts suggest you avoid: Dont... Bash the abuser. Focus on the behavior, not the personality.Blame the victim. Thats what the abuser does.Underestimate the potential danger for the victim and yourself.Promise any help that you cant follow through with.Give conditional support.Do anything that might provoke the abuser.Pressure the victim.Give up. If she is not willing to open up at first, be patient.Do anything to make it more difficult for the victim. When to Call the Police If you know that violence is actively occurring, call 9-1-1 immediately. If you hear or see physical abuse taking place, call the police. The police are the most effective way to remove the immediate danger to the victim and their children. There are no situations in which children should be left in a violent situation. Do whatever is necessary to ensure their safety, even if it means going against the wishes of your victim friend or the wishes of the abuser. In actively violent situations, calling child protective services is not the problem, its part of the solution. A Word From Verywell Although your natural impulse will want to be to rescue someone you care about from domestic violence, the person being abused needs to make the ultimate decision of whether to leave and get help. Keeping this in mind will help ensure that you support them no matter their decision and continue to provide them with a loving and safe friendship. 9 Ways to Prevent Teen Dating Violence

Friday, May 22, 2020

Organizational Behaviour Analysis - 28615 Words

ORGANISATIONAL ANALYSIS: Notes and essays for the workshop to be held on 15th - 16th Novemeber 2007 at The Marriot Hotel Slough Berkshire SL3 8PT Dr. Lesley Prince, C.Psychol., AFBPsS University of Birmingham November 2007  © Dr. Lesley Prince 2007. Organisational Analysis: Notes and Essays Page i Page ii Please do not attempt to eat these notes. CONTENTS Introduction to the Workshop Topics And Themes The Nature and Scope of Organisation Theory Levels of Analysis The Metaphorical Approach Organising Processes Understanding Change Conflict, Negotiation, and the Politics of Change Group and Team Working Cultures and Leaders as Cultural Agents Trust Linking the Themes Introductory Notes on Organisational†¦show more content†¦There are also some elements taken from the arts and humanities such as philosophy, history and (very controversially) literary and art criticism. It is, then, a broad field which, to add to the confusion, also goes under several different names, some of which you will encounter when reading texts on the subject. The two main areas are generally called Human Resource Management (HRM) and Organisational Behaviour (OB), but the field is also sometimes called Organisational Analysis (OA), Behaviour in Organisations (BinO), Organisation Studies (OS), and a host of other names, including the practitioner area called Organisational Development (OD). There are, in fact, subtle nuances and variations in emphasis denoted by the different labels. OB and HRM, for example, are both concerned generally with people at work, although they focus on different levels of analysis. Roughly speaking, HRM is mostly concerned with individual and group issues, drawing principally, but not exclusively, from psychology, whereas OB tends to focus on organisational factors such as structure, design and culture, having its main theoretical base in A recent example is Chaos Theory, taken from mathematics and physics andShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Behaviour Case Analysis1209 Words   |  5 PagesCase Analysis: Leading Change At Simmons Problem Identification In the case ‘Leading Change at Simmons’, the fundamental issue for Simmons Company is whether or not it should go ahead with Eitel’s proposed idea of a culture change program which would cost $7.2 million at a time where the company is encompassed in a myriad of problems and severe economic crises’. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing and Car Rental Companies Free Essays

THE INFLUENCE OF INTERNAL MARKETING ELEMENTS ON BRAND IMAGE OF SELECTED CAR RENTAL COMPANIES IN SOUTH AFRICA STUDENT NAME XXXXXX (student number) Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree PhD in Marketing Management in the Faculty of Management at the University of Johannesburg JOHANNESBURG September 2009 Supervisor: Prof xxxxx Co-supervisor: Dr yyyy Table of contents ____________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE RESEARCH 1. 1 Overview of services and services marketing 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing and Car Rental Companies or any similar topic only for you Order Now Internal marketing 1. 3 Brand identity and brand image 1. 4 Car rental in South Africa 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 3. 1 Primary objective 3. 2 Secondary objectives 4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 5. HYPOTHESES 6. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH 7. LITERATURE REVIEW 7. 1 Theoretical paradigm 7. 2 Research Constructs 7. 3 Relationship between variables 8. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 8. 1 Research design 8. 2 Research format 8. 3 Population and sample 8. 4 Data collection instruments, sources and procedures 8. 5 Data analysis 9. DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY 10. CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY 11. CLARIFICATION OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 12. DIVISION OF THE STUDY 13. TIME FRAME AND BUDGETARY CONSIDERATIONS 14. LIST OF REFERENCES 3 3 4 6 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 19 19 20 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 30 31 2 Research proposal 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Organisations across all industries recognise that services are becoming an important factor in all their business dealings to obtain a competitive advantage (Strydom, 2005:114). According to Palmer (2005:2), every industry is a service industry and the only aspect that separates industries is the size of their service component. Innovative organisations offering unique services to customers are now succeeding in markets where established organisations have failed (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004:4). Services marketing management is about servicing and caring about people (Kasper, van Helsdingen and Gabbott, 2006:9). People encompass individuals, households, employees and organisations. In general, services deal with intangibles, in other words, things that cannot be hold, touched nor be seen before they are utilised (Gronroos, 2000:7). Services refer to deeds, processes and experiences (Kasper et al, 2006:9; Zeithaml, Bitner and Gremler, 2006:4). . 1 Overview of services and services marketing Many skills, activities, knowledge, performances, efforts, deeds, systems and processes are required when implementing processes which focus on people. Developing and implementing assets and capabilities, including motivating employees to serve the client well through the delivery of excellent service quality is a challenge t o any services organisation. The interaction between customers and service employees is vital for the actual success of service delivery (Kasper, van Helsdingen and de Vries, 1999:513). Organisations have realised that marketing and managing services presented issues and challenges not faced in manufacturing and packaged goods companies. Employees previously employed by manufacturing companies found that their skills and experiences were not directly transferable. Services organisations realised there are a need for new concepts and approaches for marketing and managing services organisations (Zeithaml et al, 2006:10). Customer expectations and experiences play a vital role in the success of a services organisation. Since customers mainly rely on the contact they have had with employees of the services organisation, personal contact between employees and customers will to a large extent determine the success of the services organisation (Lovelock, 1996:50). The 3 Research proposal success of the Disney brand results from the organisation placing emphasis on the importance of their employees. They have realised that satisfied employees deliver better service quality, resulting in satisfied customers (Papasolomou and Vrontis, 2006:39). To ensure consistency service brands have developed internal marketing programmes in order to recruit, train and manage employees to deliver on the brand? s promises (McDonald, De Chernatony and Harris, 2001:337). 1. 2 Internal marketing Internal marketing views the employee as an internal customer, jobs as internal products and holds the view that all employees in an organisation serve both a customer and a supplier even in the event where one or both of these are internal colleagues (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003:319). The goal of internal marketing is to establish, implement and manage a customer-focused service culture, strategy and relationships, which should result in higher levels of service quality (Varey and Lewis, 2000:200). In order to achieve the goal of internal marketing service organisations need to recognise that marketing strategies should not only be aimed at external customers, but should also be implemented internally and achieve better internal communication. Therefore the internal marketing mix have to be of central importance in services organisations as each element represents cues that customers rely on in judging quality and overall image (Mudie and Pirrie, 2006:6). Marketing activities are traditionally structured around the four Ps related to products, that is product, price, promotion and place (distribution). In the services marketing mix an additional three Ps were added referring to people, process and physical evidence. However, marketing theorists are forever debating the relevant number of Ps and subsequently a variety of marketing mixes are being used in the various industries. Although most literature focuses on the seven Ps of services, additional four Ps including positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance were recently introduced to the market, resulting in a number of eleven elements of the marketing mix (Balmer, 1998:31; Simister, 2009:3). These eleven elements should be 4 Research proposal included in the internal marketing programmes service organisations are offering to employees to ensure improved interaction with customers as suggested by the literature. Irrespectively of the nature of the service, employees working in the front-line interact directly with customers. In many service organisations, they are the only contact customers have with the organisation. They need to understand the customer? s needs and match the company? s service offering with the specific customer need. Moreover, they collect intelligence on competition, they help the company clarify what the needs of customers exactly are and assess the company? s ability to satisfy them. These employees promote the company? s overall image and the brand image of the company? s services (Gounaris, 2008:402). However, the font-line employees are not the only employees who should be exposed to internal marketing. In a services organisation it is imperative that all employees should be trained, developed and informed of the vision and goals of the organisation enabling them to deliver excellent services. Internal marketing requires the involvement of a number of departments working in unison to improve performance (Ahmed and Rafiq, 2002:57). A study conducted by Harris and Ogbonna (2000) unfortunately displayed that service employees were reluctant and resisted the concept of market orientation. Employees also lacked service consciousness. Harris and De Chernatony (2001:441) argue that ignorance and lack of training may explain the resistance, while employees may also feel that they may lose political power and status in the organisation by becoming more customer focused (Harris, 2002:62). Furthermore, front-line and contact centre employees are often under paid which results in a lack of enthusiasm and customer orientation. This eventually becomes an important barrier of the effort to meet customers? expectations, thus jeopardising the entire image of a service brand (Gounaris, 2008:402). Therefore, internal marketing programmes should not only include the internal marketing mix, but should also include the organisational fit, identification with the company, employee participation in decision making, commitment, accuracy and openness of communication (Naude, Desai and Murphy, 2003:1215). Liu, Petruzzi and Sudharshan (2007:25) argue that training with an emphasis on the specific tasks that employees have to accomplish, employee empowerment, sharing information pertaining to customer needs and rewarding 5 Research proposal mployees based on the quality of customer service they deliver. Employees that complete tasks effectively become motivated to provide a high quality service which results in higher levels of customer satisfaction. As a result, customers are satisfied, since expectations are met or exceeded and the brand image of the company will be positive (Donaldson and O? Toole, 2002:155; Varey and Lewis, 2000:200,201). Internal marketing, also known as internal b randing or employee branding is viewed as equally important to external brand building or the brand management of customers (O? Callaghan, 2009:4; Witt and Rode, 2005:278). Another factor playing a role in business success is the establishment of a favourable brand image (Park, Cho and Kandampully, 2009:134). Brands are often seen as a major relationship builder between a service organisation and its customers. Kasper et al (2006:163) argue that brands are not only the product or service an organisation sells or delivers, but represent everything an organisation does and specifically what an organisation represents to its employees and its markets. 1. 3 Brand identity and brand image Brands are increasingly seen as valuable market assets and an essential source of differentiation in industries which are becoming saturated with similar service offerings. Additionally, brands have certain functions such as improving loyalty, identifying the provider of the service, reducing search costs, reducing perceived risk and signalling quality (Kasper et al, 2006:163; Aurand, Gorchels and Bishop, 2005:164). Service organisations have begun to realise that the importance of nurturing relationships between employees and customers adds to the development of employees? nd customers? respect for certain functional and emotional values of the brand (Papasolomou and Vrontis, 2006:38). Subsequently, an integrated branding strategy is required to align the organisation? s strategy, processes and resources to ensure consistency in the quality of the service delivery and a positive perception of the brand (LePla, Davis and Parker, 2003:3-5). 6 Research proposal One of the critical step s in building a strong brand is to create a brand identity. The brand identity is aspirational, since it refers to how the brand would like to be perceived. Creating a brand identity is more than determining what customers say they need, it should also reflect the soul and vision of the brand and what it hopes to achieve. Aaker (1996:68) stated that the brand identity which provides the direction and strategic vision of the brand consists of twelve dimensions organised around four perspectives: Brand-as-product (product scope, product attributes, quality/value, uses, users, country of origin) Brand-as-organisation (organisational attributes, local versus global) Brand-as-person (brand personality, brand-customer relationships) Brand-as-symbol (visual imagery/metaphors and brand heritage) The brand identity should be strategic, reflecting a business strategy that will lead to a sustainable advantage, while the brand image tends to be more tactical (Aaker, 1996:70). The brand image of a service organisation is even more important than a product company due to the intangibility that characterises services. Brand image consists of two categories, namely brand associations and brand awareness. One generally accepted view of brand image is that perceptions about a brand are reflected by a cluster of associations that customers connect to the brand name in memory. Brand associations are the informational nodes linked to the brand node in memory and contain meaning of the brand for customers (Aaker, 1991:110; Keller, 1998:45). Keller (1998:45) classifies brand associations into three major categories, i. e. attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attributes refer to the descriptive features that characterise the brand. Product related attributes are essentially defined as the components of the core product function sought by customers. In terms of services, the service related attributes refer to the process of the core service (O? Cass and Grace, 2003:453). Benefits are the personal value customers attach to the brand attributes and brand attitudes are customers? overall evaluation of the brand (Del Rio Vazquez and Iglesias, 2001:411). Low and Lamb, (2000:352) conceptualise brand image, that is functional and symbolic perceptions; brand attitude as the overall evaluation of the brand; and 7 Research proposal perceived quality as the judgements of overall superiority as possible dimensions of brand associations. The literature regards brand attributes, perceived quality and brand attitude as separate dimensions of brand associations under less familiar brands and as one dimension under well known brands. Well known brands also tend to exhibit multi-dimensional brand associations, which is consistent with the idea that customers have more developed memory structures for more familiar brands (Low and Lamb, 2000:353). Brand associations are important to decision makers in services organisations to improve brand identity amongst employees, which should result in positive brand associations amongst customers. Brand awareness refers to the strength of a brand? s presence in the customer? s mind. Awareness is measured according to the different ways in which customers remember a brand, ranging from recognition (exposure to the brand) to recall (what can be recalled about the brand) to first in the mind (the brand appearing first in the mind) and finally to dominant (the only brand recalled) (Aaker, 1996:10). Brand awareness is created by increasing the familiarity of the brand through repeated exposure and strong associations with the relevant cues enabling the customer to recall the brand effectively (Keller, 2003:70). . 4 Car rental in South Africa The homogeneity and heightened competition in the car rental industry are forcing car rental companies to consider the connection between internal marketing and brand image to achieve competitive differentiation. Due to increased globalisation most car rental companies in South Africa have to compete on a local and international level. Currentl y in South Africa there are a number of car rental companies, of which seven are most recognised due to their location at airports in South Africa. These companies include Avis, Budget, Europcar, Hertz, National, Tempest Sixt and Thrifty. Car rental companies are in a complex industry with a number of role players involved such as government, car manufacturers and a variety of target markets. Besides providing a service to the various target markets, the products they offer are beyond their control, as the end product the customer receives are from different manufacturers. These end products 8 Research proposal include a large range of different car models from various manufacturers, for example, Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, Mazda, Volkswagen, and Opel to name but a few. Since the car rental companies in South Africa focus on the same customers and provide the same car models, both factors not fully controlled by them, it is imperative that they have to provide excellent services to customers to grow their businesses and to retain existing customers. The employees of car rental companies are their most important asset and therefore special attention is required to ensure loyalty and commitment from employees to deliver service excellence. Irrespective of the fact that the service organisation may have developed a well conceived positioning for its brand, he brand? s successful positioning depends on the role the employees play in producing and delivering the service (Papasolomou and Vrontis, 2006:39). Providing a service is a people business. It is therefore important for car rental companies to determine if internal marketing has an influence on employees? associations with the brand image of the organisation. Car rental companies should realise tha t there is a need to instil a customer-focused service culture, which is a prerequisite for delivering consistently high quality services and for building successful service brands. Therefore they need to embark on a process of strengthening their brands as a source of sustainable competitive advantage by implementing an internal marketing programme to compete with first world countries (Papasolomou and Vrontis, 2006:39). Although most South African car rental companies? brands are well known, formal research is required as it is not evident that internal marketing implementation does have an influence on the brand image of car rental companies in South Africa. 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The internal marketing mix elements that will be used in this study include product, price, promotion, place, people, processes, physical evidence, positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance. In order to enhance the brand image of a service organisation the 9 Research proposal organisation has to adapt its marketing activities to mix and match the internal marketing mix elements that will reinforce the brand image (Kotler and Keller, 2009:288). Despite a strong interest in the subject amongst marketing researchers, little research has been conducted related to brand images in service brands (Del Rio et al, 2001:410; O? Cass and Grace, 2003:453). Although car rental companies have internal programmes, such as loyalty and other incentive programmes to motivate employees, the success of these programmes have not been researched nor linked to the internal marketing elements applicable to this study (Avis, 2009). Furthermore, the researcher could not find any direct studies related to the influence of internal marketing elements on brand image in the car rental industry in South Africa. This is relevant because if all elements do not contribute positively to the overall brand image of car rental companies in South Africa, it could receive reduced attention, which could damage the image of the brand of the car rental company. Additionally if certain activities prove ineffectively they could be altered and improved, thereby creating more competitiveness for car rental companies. The problem in this study is that the importance of brand image in a services industry, specifically the car rental industry, should be emphasised, therefore this study aims to determine the influence of product, price, promotion, place, people, processes, physical evidence, positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance on brand associations and brand awareness as dimensions of brand image of car rental companies in South Africa, as perceived by employees and customers. 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The following objectives will clearly define the objectives the study aims to determine: 3. 1 Primary objective The primary research objective of this study is to determine the perceived influence of the different elements of internal marketing on the brand image of selected car rental companies in South Africa. 10 Research proposal 3. 2 Secondary objectives The secondary objectives of the study aim to determine whether the various elements of the internal marketing mix have an internal influence on each of the brand image categories. The elements of the internal marketing mix that will be separately observed according to the classification of the Ps are firstly the traditional 4 Ps, product, price, promotion, place; secondly the additional 3 Ps for services marketing mix, people, processes, physical evidence and lastly the recently added 4 Ps, positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance. Each element of the internal marketing mix will be observed to determine its influence on brand image, namely brand associations, specifically brand attributes, perceived quality and brand attitude, as well as brand awareness, such as recognition of the brand and brand recall of selected car rental companies. The influence of the internal marketing elements on the brand associations and brand awareness will enable car rental companies to focus future internal marketing programmes on the relevant internal marketing mix elements to ensure an improved brand image. Furthermore the influence of the internal marketing elements is relevant to determine the overall influence on brand image as set out in the following hypotheses formulated in this study (see next section). The secondary research objectives are: To determine the influence of the internal product on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of the internal price on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of internal promotion on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of the internal place on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. 11 Research proposal To determine the influence of internal people on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of internal processes on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of internal physical evidence on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of internal positioning on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of internal personal relationships on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of internal packaging on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. To determine the influence of internal performance on the brand image of car rental companies amongst selected car rental companies and their clients. 4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS As suggested by the title, the purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of the eleven internal marketing mix elements on brand image of car rental companies in South Africa. The research question can be phrased as: Do the eleven internal marketing mix elements have an influence on the brand image of South African car rental companies? Sub-components of the primary research question include: What is the influence of the internal product, price, promotion, place, people, processes, physical evidence, positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance on brand associations of car rental companies? 12 Research proposal What is the influence of the internal product, price, promotion, place, people, processes, physical evidence, positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance on brand awareness of car rental companies? 5. HYPOTHESES In figure 1 the hypotheses derived from the research objectives are indicated. Figure 1 displays the organisation which imposes its values through internal marketing on employees with the external customer in mind to achieve its objectives (Mudie and Pirrie, 2006:14). The internal marketing mix elements are independent variables, since they are not dependent on one another to exist in the organisation. The brand image categories, that is brand associations and brand awareness are the dependent variables of the study as the research aims to prove the influence of the independent variables on the brand image. In order to establish the connection between the internal marketing mix and the brand image of the organisation an intervening variable is required. The intervening variable is brand identity, as it provides direction, purpose and meaning for the brand (Aaker, 1996:68). Through establishing that brand identity is dependent on the elements of the internal marketing mix and that brand image is dependent on brand identity, will allow the connection between the internal marketing mix and brand image to be established. The brand association dimensions that will be tested are brand attributes, perceived quality and brand attitude. The brand awareness dimensions are brand recognition and brand recall. In developing research hypotheses researchers normally frame relationships in either the null or alternative format. In this study alternative hypotheses are formulated, indicating that there is a relationship between two variables that is significant. These hypotheses are depicted in figure 1 on the following page. 13 Brand identity Brand identity Employees Product v1 Traditional Ps Price v2 Place v3 Promotion v4 H2d, H2e H1a, H1b, H1c H3a, H3b, H3c H4a, H4b, H4c H1d, H1e Customers Attributes v12 a b c H2a, H2b, H2c Perceived quality v13 Brand Attitude v14 Brand associations Recognition v15 H3d, H3e H4d, H4e d Brand image Brand awareness Recall v16 e People v5 Internal marketing Services Ps Processes v6 Physical evidence v7 H5a, H5b, H5c H6a, H6b, H6c H7a, H7b, H7c Attributes v17 a b Perceived quality v18 Brand Attitude v19 H5d, H5e c Brand associations H6d, H6e Recognition v20 H7d, H7e d Brand image Recall v21 e Brand awareness Positioning v8 Recent Ps H8a, H8b, H8c H9a, H9b, H9c H10a, H10b, H10c H11a, H11b, H11c H8d, H8e H9d, H9e H10d, H10e H11d, H11e Attributes v22 a b Personal relationships v9 Packaging v10 Performance v11 Perceived quality v23 Brand Attitude v24 c Brand associations Brand image Recognition v25 Recall v26 e d Brand awareness Research proposal Based on the primary and secondary objectives and as indicated in figure 1, it is hypothesised that: H1a: Internal product does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H1b: Internal product does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H1c: Internal product does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H1d: Internal product does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H1e: Internal product does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H2a: Internal price does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H2b: Internal price does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H2c: Internal price does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H2d: Internal price does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H2e: Internal price does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H3a: Internal place does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H3b: Internal place does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H3c: Internal place does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. 15 Research proposal H3d: Internal place does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H3e: Internal place does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H4a: Internal promotion does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H4b: Internal promotion does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H4c: Internal promotion does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H4d: Internal promotion does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H4e: Internal promotion does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H5a: Internal people do have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H5b: Internal people do have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H5c: Internal people do have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H5d: Internal people do have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H5e: Internal people do have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H6a: Internal processes do have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H6b: Internal processes do have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. 16 Research proposal H6c: Internal processes do have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H6d: Internal processes do have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H6e: Internal processes do have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H7a: Internal physical evidence does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H7b: Internal physical evidence does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H7c: Internal physical evidence does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H7d: Internal physical evidence does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H7e: Internal physical evidence does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H8a: Internal positioning does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H8b: Internal positioning does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H8c: Internal positioning does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H8d: Internal positioning does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H8e: Internal positioning does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H9a: Internal personal relationships do have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H9b: Internal personal relationships do have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. 17 Research proposal H9c: Internal personal relationships do have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H9d: Internal personal relationships do have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H9e: Internal personal relationships do have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H10a: Internal packaging does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H10b: Internal packaging does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H10c: Internal packaging does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H10d: Internal packaging does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H10e: Internal packaging does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H11a: Internal performance does have an influence on brand attributes of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H11b: Internal performance does have an influence on perceived quality of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H11c: Internal performance does have an influence on brand attitude of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H11d: Internal performance does have an influence on recognition of the brand of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. H11e: Internal performance does have an influence on brand recall of car rental companies by increasing brand identity. 8 Research proposal 6. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH Employees who are treated well and who believe in the company they are representing tend to deliver service excellence. Internal marketing provides the means to retrain employees and to motivate them to exceed customer expectations, resulting in a positive association with the brand, which customers are likely to share wi th others (Donaldson and O? Toole, 2002:155). In today? s crowded marketplace building a powerful brand is central in giving companies a competitive edge. The association clients make with a brand in the services industries will focus strongly on the service quality they receive from the company (Papasolomou and Vrontis, 2007:8). In South Africa no formal research study could be found on how the eleven internal marketing elements, that is product, price, promotion, distribution, processes, physical evidence, people, positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance influence the brand image, being brand attributes, perceived quality and brand attitude of car rental companies. Formal research is required to determine the influence of internal marketing on brand image, as the internal marketing efforts will have an effect on service delivery by employees, which subsequently should improve the image clients have of the brand. Although some car rental companies claim they care about employees and provide special motivational programmes for employees, no formal research has been conducted to determine if these programmes as part of internal marketing have a positive influence on the service delivered by employees (Avis, 2009). . LITERATURE REVIEW The literature study is based on the most recent literature available in the fields of study. It includes inter alia books, journals, academic dissertations and literature available in an electronic format obtained from reputable academic and various research institutions via the Internet. The ensuing sections contain information obtained to gain an in-depth understanding of the research issues as defined within the p roblem statement. 19 Research proposal 7. 1 Theoretical paradigm Few topics of the commercial theory have inspired as well as divided the marketing academia as the four Ps Marketing Mix framework (Constantinides, 2006:407). Since Jerome McCarthy (1964) reduced Neil Borden? s (1964) twelve identified controllable marketing elements to four, product, price, place and promotion, practitioners and academics promptly embraced the mix paradigm that soon became the prevalent and indispensable element of marketing theory and operational marketing management (Gronroos, 1994:13). The wide acceptance of the mix among marketers is due to their profound exposure to this concept, since most introductory marketing manuals identify the four Ps as the controllable parameters likely to influence the consumer buying process and decisions (Kotler, 2003). However, despite the background and status of the marketing mix as a major theoretical and practical parameter of contemporary marketing, several academics have at times expressed doubts and objections as to the value and the future of the mix, proposing alternatives that range from minor modifications to total rejection. It is often evident in both the academic literature and marketing textbooks that the mix is deemed by many researchers and writers as inadequate to address specific marketing situations like the marketing of services, the management of relationships or the marketing of industrial products (Constantinides, 2006:409). Early references identifying differences between tangibles and intangibles underlying the distinctive character of services marketing are found in the works of Branton (1969), Wilson (1972). The special character of services were emphasised by Blois (1974), Bessom and Jackson (1975) and Shostack (1977). Several alternative methodologies and marketing conceptual frameworks for services marketing have been proposed ever since. A key factor distinguishing the services marketing from marketing physical products is the human element. Booms and Bitner (1981) included people, physical evidence as an important environmental factor influencing the quality packaging and process of service delivery as additional marketing mix elements in services marketing. 20 Research proposal Subsequently various researchers have added a variety of proposed elements and some changed existing elements. Currently there are additions of up to eleven elements in the marketing mix. Based on the recent contributions of researchers such as Fryar (1991) who introduced positioning, English (2000) who added personal relationship, Grove, Fisk and John (2000) who claim that performance should be included and Beckwith (2001) who indicated that packaging is lacking, these four elements are included in the internal marketing mix elements as theoretical foundation for this study. The creation of a brand implies communicating a certain brand image in such a way that all the target groups of an organisation link its brand with a set of associations (Del Rio et al, 2001:410; Low and Lamb, 2000:350). Brand associations are important to organisations and customers. An organisation uses brand associations to differentiate, position and extend brands, to create positive attitudes towards a brand and to suggest attributes or benefits of purchasing or using a specific brand. Customers use brand associations to help process, organise and retrieve information in memory, nd to assist them in making purchasing decisions (Aaker, 1991:110). Brand associations play a central role in brand strategy development. In particular, Aaker (1992:25) suggests that brand associations should be organised into groups that have meaning. This meaning should define the brand? s positioning – its point of reference with respect to the competition. Thus, a well positioned brand will re present an attractive set of strong associations (De Chernatony and McDonald, 2003:254; Hankinson, 2005:25). The second category of brand image is brand awareness. Brand awareness consists of brand recognition and brand recall performance. Brand recognition relates to customers? ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand when given the brand as a cue. In other words, customers are able to distinguish the brand as having been previously seen or heard. Brand recall relates to customers? ability to retrieve the brand from memory when given the product category, the needs fulfilled by the category or a purchase or usage situation as a cue. In other words, customers are able to correctly generate the brand from memory when receiving a relevant cue (Keller, 2003a:67). Brand awareness is critical for services organisations, as customers have to actively seek the brand and be able to recall it from memory when appropriate. 21 Research proposal Together with the eleven internal marketing mix elements, brand image, broken down into brand associations and brand awareness form the theoretical paradigm on which this study is based. 7. 2 Research constructs Research constructs are described as unobservable abstract concepts that are measured indirectly by a group of related variables. Variables are described as observable measurable elements of an object and are measured directly (Hair, Bush and Ortinau, 2009:233). In practice, the term variable is used as a synonym for constructs or the property being studied and in this context, a variable is a symbol to which numerals or values are assigned (Cooper and Schindler, 2001:44). Therefore, the variables that will be measured in this study are the eleven internal marketing elements, product, price, promotion, place, people, processes, physical evidence, positioning, personal relationships, packaging and performance. These elements are the independent variables or constructs, since they predict or explain the outcome variable of interest (Hair et al, 2009:234). Brand image consists of the two classifications, namely brand associations and brand awareness. Brand associations as described by the literature can be measured in terms of brand attributes, perceived quality and brand attitude, while brand awareness can be measured as recognition of the brand and recall of the brand (Aaker, 1996:10; Keller, 1998:45). The brand attributes, perceived quality, brand attitude, brand recognition and brand recall are the dependent variables or constructs as they are the variables the researcher is seeking to explain (Hair et al, 2009:234). Brand identity is the intervening variable as it is the factor which theoretically affects the observed phenomenon but cannot be seen, measured, or manipulated; its effect must be inferred from the effects of the independent and dependent variables on the observed phenomenon (Cooper and Schindler, 2001:47). 22 Research proposal 7. 3 Relationship between variables As indicated in the formulated hypotheses, this study aims to indicate that there is a relationship between the variables that are being tested. The relationship can either be positive or negative. A positive relationship between two variables indicates that the two variables increase or decrease together, comparing to a negative relationship that suggests that as one variable increases, the other one decreases, or vice versa (Hair et al , 2009:234). Should there be no relationship between the eleven internal marketing elements and the brand image of selected car rental companies in South Africa, the null hypothesis will be relevant. If the null hypothesis is accepted, it concludes that the variables are not related in a meaningful way (Hair et al, 2009:235). If, on the other hand, the null hypothesis is rejected, the alternative hypothesis indicates that the two variables are related in some way that may prove useful for the car rental companies. 8. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A well-designed research plan forms the basis of the entire research process (Cooper and Schindler, 2001:6). Research can be described as a practical activity that intends to find out things in a systematic way. It is a process of designing, gathering, analysing and reporting information to uncover opportunities and reduce the risks of decision-making (Coldwell and Herbst, 2004:10). Previously gathered information which was not gathered for this study, but that was gathered for another purpose is called secondary data (Churchill and Brown, 2007:146). Secondary data, including books, academic accredited research journals, websites, dissertations, theses, internal company information and other written and verbal communications will be used to develop the theoretical background of the study. Primary data, which is data initiated by the researcher for the purpose of the proposed study, is extracted in the form of perceptions of the sample population that will be investigated (Churchill and Brown, 2007:146). 23 Research proposal Cooper and Schindler (2001:14) state that the term „empirical? points to the requirement for the researcher to test subjective beliefs against objective reality and have findings open to further scrutiny and testing. In this study, empirical research is used to test the objectives stated previously in this chapter. . 1 Research design The objectives of the study form an integral part of the research design, since objectives ensure that information will be collected from appropriate sources by using the correct data gathering techniques. They also influence the sampling methodology, the schedule and cost of the research project (Zikmund, 2003:58). According to Mouton (2001:37), the research method that is partly derived from the methodological paradigm (qualitative or quantitative) fits the research objectives. In quantitative research, the methods are well planned, structured and formal because the findings play an important role in decision-making (Boyce, 2002:37). Quantitative research makes use of structured close-ended questions that have predetermined response possibilities in questionnaires or surveys and are distributed to a vast number of respondents (Hair et al, 2006:171). In this study a quantitative process will be used to seek data that can be expressed in numbers and statistically analysed. 8. 2 Research format The research format of the study is described as descriptive research. According to Cooper and Schindler (2001:136) descriptive research attempts to answer questions such as who, what, where, when or how much. Data collected through descriptive research can provide valuable information about the study units along relevant characteristics and also about associations among those characteristics (Aaker, Kumar and Day, 2001:73; Parasuraman, Grewal and Krishnan, 2004:72). As recommended by Solomon, Marshall and Stuart (2006:113), this study will include a descriptive survey design to gather the necessary data from a large sample size. 24 Research proposal The descriptive format is broken down in two types, longitudinal and cross-sectional. Longitudinal designs rely on panel data in which the same variables are measured over time. Cross-sectional designs rely on a sample of elements from the population of interest that are measured at a single point in time (Churchill and Iacobucci, 2002:122). As the objectives of this study are to describe a current situation, a cross-sectional format is appropriate. 8. 3 Population and sample The population for this study will include employees and customers of selected car rental companies in South Africa. There are 7 car rental companies, being Avis, Tempest, Budget Car Rental, First Car Rental, Europcar, Hertz and Argus Car Rental. Avis, Budget and Europcar will be the sample drawn from the population, as these three are the largest and world leading car rental companies in South Africa. All three companies have more than 75 branches and fleets in excess of 8500, compared to the other car rental companies with less than 50 branches and fleets smaller than 6000. Since Avis, Budget and Europcar have a market share of more than 80% it is believed that they will be a fair representation of the car rental industry in South Africa. Probability sampling will be used for selecting the sample frame. Probability samples are distinguished by the fact that each sampling unit has a known, non-zero chance of being included in the sample (Hair et al, 2006:330). The two independent sample frames that will be used in the study include: Sample frame 1: The sampling units in this frame include all employees of the Avis, Budget and Europcar groups stationed at major airports in South Africa. These airports include OR Tambo, Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, East London, George, Nelspruit and Lanseria. There will be 800 employees targeted within this sample selected by the management of the three car rental groups. 25 Research proposal Sample frame 2: The sampling units in this frame include customers who rented cars during a period of three months from October to December 2009 of the Avis, Budget and Europcar groups stationed at OR Tambo, Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, East London, George, Nelspruit and Lanseria airports. There will be 4000 clients targeted within this sample, selected by the management of the three car rental groups. It is important to consider both two independent sample frames, as the employees in sample frame one will measure the internal marketing aspects of the study. The customers of sample frame two will aid in measuring the brand image of the selected car rental groups. 8. 4 Data collection instruments, sources and procedures The data collection of this study will be conducted by means of a survey. According to Rubin, Rubin and Piele (2000:193) surveys allow the researcher to observe and gather evidence. Questionnaires will be designed for each of the sample frames. Questionnaires will include a demographic section to classify respondents, being customers or employees. In the second section of both questionnaires the eleven internal marketing mix elements will be tested based on information from the literature. The third section of both questionnaires will focus on brand associations, specifically brand attributes, perceived quality and brand attitude, as well as brand awareness, namely recognition of the brand and brand recall as described in the theory of the relevant chapter. A five point Likert scale, ranging from „strongly disagree? to „strongly agree? , will be used for all questions within both questionnaires. The Likert scale is a highly used rating scale that requires respondents to indicate a degree of agreement or disagreement with each of a series of statements about the objects (Cooper and Schindler, 2001:234). The survey, comprising of an online questionnaire will be administered through email and upon completion will be sent directly to the Statistical Consultation Service of the University of Johannesburg. An online survey format will allow for a wide reach that will be relatively inexpensive and will be faster than offline methods. Furthermore, there will be no interaction between the researcher and the respondents, therefore interviewer error and bias will be 26 Research proposal diminished (Hair et al, 2006:230). Confidentiality and anonymously of respondents will also be guaranteed. A pre-test will be conducted to detect possible weaknesses in the questionnaire. An important purpose of the pre-test is to discover the respondents? reactions to questions and it also helps to discover repetitiveness or redundancy (Cooper and Schindler, 2001:236). 8. 5 Data analysis Statistical procedures to test the research hypotheses include descriptive statistics, factor analyses, analyses of variance and measures of association. Internal marketing and brand image involve numerous factors. Factor analysis will be used to compare and find correlations between these factors. The statistical method for testing the null hypothesis that the means of several populations are equal is analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Cooper and Schindler, 2001:509). ANOVA will be used to determine if internal marketing and brand image are related. The pre-test of the questionnaire will be conducted amongst five experts in the industry to ensure reliable data. Cronbach-Alpha will be used to measure the reliability of the pilot. All calculations will be done by means of SPSS. Analyses will be conducted by the Statistical Consultation Service of the University of Johannesburg. 9. DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study will focus on the three largest car rental companies in South Africa and although it is believed that they will be representative of the car rental industry, it might not be the case, as smaller car rental companies might have different or no internal marketing focuses and therefore the results and recommendations may not be generalised to a wider context. The dimensions of brand associations and brand awareness will only be investigated amongst car rental companies in South Africa, which is a service industry. If the approach is extended to other services industries or even products the result might differ. 7 Research proposal Furthermore, no previous research has been conducted on the eleven internal marketing mix elements and brand image of the car rental industry in South Africa. Therefore, this study may lack in-depth information related to the car rental industry. 10. CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY The eleven internal marketing mix elements are still a new concept to many South Africans. No previous studies could be found that have been conducted on the influence of the eleven internal marketing mix elements on brand image of car rental companies in South Africa. This study aims to contribute to the body of knowledge in three ways. Firstly, it describes the complexity of the car rental industry in South Africa. This is followed by a description of the current understanding and debate amongst researchers of the relevance of the eleven marketing mix elements, specifically their influence on brand image of an organisation. Thirdly, the study aims to provide guidelines to car rental companies in South Africa on how to improve internal marketing programmes which will enable them to improve their brand image. Brand image is important to any organisation, as a good and well recognised brand will lead to higher profitability of the organisation. 11. CLARIFICATION OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS In the previous sections, certain terms and definitions were used. However, for the sake of uniformity, these terms and definitions have to be clarified (Mouton, 2001:36). The services marketing literature contain many definitions of services, but there are some common features in all of these definitions. The first commonality is that services deal with something that is intangible. Services refer to efforts, deeds or processes consisting of activities or a series of activities performed by the service provider, quite often in close cooperation and interaction with the customer, aimed at creating customer satisfaction (Kasper et al, 2006:57). Papasolomou and Vrontis (2006:37) postulate that service can be 28 Research proposal described as essentially intangible, not resulting in the ownership of anything and is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale. Internal marketing is defined as â€Å"a planned effort using a marketing-like approach directed at motivating employees, for implementing and integrating organisational strategies towards customer orientation† (Ahmed and Rafiq, 2002:11). Branding is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these that identifies the seller of a product or service and seeks to differentiate them from those of competitors (Kotler and Keller, 2006:274; Papasolomou and Vrontis, 2006:37). Brand identity is defined as â€Å"a unique set of brand associations that the brand strategist aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand stands for and imply a promise to customers from the organisation members† (Aaker, 1996:68). Brand image as identified by Keller (2003:70) is perceptions about a brand as reflected by the brand associations held in a customer? s memory. Keller (1998:71) defined brand associations as â€Å"informational nodes linked to the brand node in memory that contains the meaning of the brand for consumers†. Brand awareness refers to the strength of a brand? s presence in the customer? s mind (Aaker, 1996:10). 12. DIVISION OF THE STUDY The current chapter provides an introduction to the study, including the problem statement, objectives and research methodology. The rest of this study is divided into the following chapters: 29 Research proposal Chapter 2 describes the complexities and current state of the car rental industry in South Africa. An overview of the three companies, Avis, Budget and Europcar, which are participating in this study, is provided. Chapter 3 focuses on internal marketing. The history of the elements of the internal marketing mix is discussed, as well as the development of the traditional four Ps up to the eleven currently in existence is described. The culture of organisations and the influence of internal marketing are furthermore explained. Chapter 3 discusses brand identity, brand image and the dimensions thereof. The importance of building a successful brand is also described. Chapter 4 outlines the research methodology with detailed reference to the research design, population, sample, measuring instrument, and the proposed statistical analysis. Chapter 5 records the analysis of the empirical research. Chapter 6 summarises the study. Recommendations concerning the outcome of the study are discussed and suggestions for further research are presented. 3. TIME FRAME AND BUDGETARY CONSIDERATIONS The researcher? s aim for completion of the study is October 2010. However, due to the change of direction taken in the research, the aim might have to be postponed to April 2011. The possibility of obtaining a bursary for the empirical part of the study was explored, but since the researcher is a part-time student, she does not qualif y for most bursaries. If no bursary can be obtained, the researcher will complete most of the empirical work herself and where required, make use of her own available funds. 30 References 14. LIST OF REFERENCES Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capatilising on the Value of a Brand Name. New York: The Free Press. Aaker, D. A. (1992). The Management of Brand Equity. New York: The Free Press. Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building Strong Brands. New York: The Free Press. Aaker, D. A. , Kumar, V. Day, G. S. (2001). Marketing Research. 7th edition. New York: John Wiley Sons. Ahmed, P. K. , Rafiq, M. (2002). Internal Marketing: Tools and Concepts for Customerfocused Management. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Aurand, T. W. , Gorchels, L. Bishop, T. R. (2005). Human resource management? role in internal branding: an opportunity for cross-functional brand message synergy. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 14(3):165. Available from Emerald http://www. emeraldlibrary. com/Insight/viewContentItem. do. (Accessed 29 July 2009). Avis (2009). Interview with Chief Executive Officer, Wayne Duvenhage, held on 17 September 2009. Balmer, J. M. T. (1998). Corporate branding and connoisseurhship. Jour nal of General Management, 21(1): 24-46. Available from Emerald http://www. emerald- library. com/Insight/viewContentItem. do. (Accessed 26 September 2009). Beckwith, H. (2001). The Invisible Touch – the Four Keys of Modern Marketing. New York: Texure Publishing. Bessom, R. M. Jackson, D. W. (1975). Service Retailing: A Strategic Marketing Approach. Journal of Retailing, Summer:84. 31 References Blois, K. J. (1974). The Marketing of Services: an Approach. European Journal of Marketing, 8(2):137-145. Booms, B. H. Bitner, M. J. (1981). Marketing Strategies and Organisation Structures for Service Firms. Marketing of Services. Donnelly, J. H. George, W. R. Chicago: American Marketing Association:47-51. Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the Marketing Mix. Journal of Advertising Research, June:2-7. Boyce, J. (2002). Market research in practice. Australia: McGraw-Hill. Branton, N. (1969). The Marketing of Services. Marketing World, 1(2). Churchill, Jr. , G. A. Iacobucci, D. (2002). Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations. 8th edition. Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers. Churchill, Jr. , G. A. Brown, T. J. (2007). Basic Marketing Research. 6th edition. Ohio: South-Western. Coldwell, D. Herbst, F. (2004). Business research. South Africa: Juta. Constantinides, E. (2006). 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(1991): What? s Different About Services Marketing? The Journal of Marketing Services, 5(4):53-58. Gounaris, S. (2008). Antecedents of internal marketing practice: some preliminary empirical evidence. Industrial Journal of Service Industry Management, 19(3):400-434. Available from Emerald http://www. emerald-library. com/Insight/viewContentItem. do. (Accessed 29 July 2009). Gronroos, C. (1994). From marketing mix to relationship marketing. Management Decisions, 32(2):1-21. Available from Emerald: http://www. emerald- library. com/Insight/viewContentItem. do. (Accessed 22 August 2006). Gronroos, C. (2000). Service Management and Marketing: A Customer Relationship Management Approach. Chichester: John Wiley Sons. Grove, S. J. , Fisk, R. P. John, J. (2000). Service as Theater, Guidelines and Implications. Handbook Services Marketing and Management. Sage Publications. Hair, J. F, Bush, R. P. Ortinau, D. J. (2006). Marketing Research: Within a Changing Environment. 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hair, J. F, Bush, R. P. Ortinau, D. J. (2009). Marketing Research: In a Digital Information Environment. 4th edition. New York: McGraw- How to cite Marketing and Car Rental Companies, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Syllabus Critique Essay Example

Syllabus Critique Essay Review the syllabus and answer the following: 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In one paragraph, give an overview of what the syllabus covers. The syllabus covers all the essential course requirements and classroom policies of the instructor.   It also contains an overview of the workload that is to be given throughout the course of the subject and also the degree of professionalism that is required to excel in this course.   Aside from this, there are basic pointers on what the instructor wants the student to do and guidelines for complying with the submission requirement for the course.   There is also a section which contains the schedule for the activities in class and for the entire course outline and lectures.   To put it briefly, this outline is basically a survival kit for this course. We will write a custom essay sample on Syllabus Critique specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Syllabus Critique specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Syllabus Critique specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Why is having good grammar so important to your education? The most integral part of learning is in being able to communicate the subject matter that is being discussed and in being able to communicate back to other people the substance of what has been learned.   Having good grammar an individual communicate properly with others and improves the chances of learning.   It also helps a person understand the material that is being taught by enabling the learner to properly comprehend the context within which certain instructional materials are being taught.   This makes it easier to not only increase the input through understanding but also improves the communication between individuals and thus facilitating a better exchange of knowledge and information.   That is why good grammar is important to improving a person’s education. 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Why do you think so many advertisements for jobs emphasize, â€Å"Must have good communication skills?† The reason is because it is relevant for the proper performance of any job to be able to communicate properly with the other co-workers or clients.   Humans, being social beings, employ language as the main method of communicating.   Having substandard communication skills mean that individuals are not able to properly convey their thoughts to other people.   While they may have sincere and maybe even brilliant ideas, the inability to let other people know about them renders it ineffectual.   It is therefore important to have good communication skills to be able to perform any job which requires social interaction well. 4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   List and define the several components used to communicate your thoughts, actions, and feelings.   If you have the textbook, please skim chapter one for its explanation of communication.   Without the text, use another reputable source (for example, the text from public speaking) to discuss the components of communicating effectively. Communicating properly requires many different things.   Perhaps the most important thing before anything else is the manner by which an individual comports himself because visual appeal plays a large role in being able to communicate effectively.   The next factor is the content and the manner by which the information is being communicated or in certain cases solicited.   This requires that a person must be able to have proper grammar, enunciation and more importantly use the words in their proper context.   The delivery must also be clear and unambiguous.   Used properly, these components are sure to make any individual effective in communicating. 5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By reading the syllabus and the criteria for professionalism, in one paragraph, describe the expectations for doing well in this course, as you understand them. Professionalism in this course entails that a person must develop the proper attitude in not only dealing with the teacher/instructor but also with the course itself.   In order to do well, a person must exhibit a certain degree of responsibility that reflects the desire to learn as well as the maturity to be able to do the tasks required in the best way possible.   As professionals, there are no appeals to emotion, work will be judged on a purely objective level and performance is to be evaluated by what is presented and not how the emotions of the class or instructor are swayed.   Much like being in an office setting, students in this course are required to show responsiveness and commitment to not only personal learning but also to the progress of this course.   Doing well in this course therefore means that a no nonsense attitude must be adopted by any student enrolled in this course. 6  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Look up the word â€Å"also.†Ã‚   List its alternatives on one line. Too. As well. In addition to. And. What’s more. Moreover. Furthermore. Besides. Additionally. Plus. 7  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Use these correctly in sentences: There’s a fly in my soup. There are many problems in the world today. They’re not doing anything to solve these problems. Their view is that nothing should be done about these problems. It’s ironic that they feel this way about these problems. Its problem is not that they are apathetic but because they are lazy. One of this student’s problems in school always involves grammatical errors. Students always feel that grammar is not important anymore. Students’ popular opinions are always echoed in the school paper. A student must study hard in order to excel in school. 8  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Review the grammar tips.   Identify two or more areas you have difficulty with understanding the principles for writing better sentences AND WILL WORK ON. Perhaps the two areas that will provide the most difficulty in understanding are the areas with regard to descriptive writing and being concise.   Descriptive writing is very difficult because it requires that the proper words be used and the tense of the verb is also very important.   Being brief and concise is also difficult because it is hard to find that single word that best describes the object or conveys the essence of the idea.   These areas can however be improved upon through hard work and constant practice.   The course outline shows that there will be numerous opportunities for this and hopefully they will help in improving my performance in these areas.